Acceptable Use Policy

StraightUp’s purpose is to help make it easier for people to give feedback, raise ideas, and ask questions. Part of StraightUp’s service enables people to communicate anonymously with other people in their organisation. To ensure StraightUp remains a safe environment, use of StraightUp is subject to the acceptance of this Acceptable Use Policy.

We encourage you to use StraightUp to provide feedback, including compliments or criticism, request feedback, give suggestions or ideas, and ask questions. We encourage you to be honest when using StraightUp, and recognise that honest feedback is not always nice feedback. Reasonable criticisms and negative comments are acceptable, however certain use or content is unacceptable.


Unacceptable Use

It is unacceptable to use StraightUp:

  • To threaten or promote violence. This includes content that makes threats against an individual or group of people, and content that glorifies violence. This also includes wishing, hoping, or promoting a desire for harm, serious disease, or death
  • To harass or abuse someone
  • To send any content that is sexual in nature
  • To send content that is illegal, harmful or fraudulent
  • To send content that is discriminatory or hateful. This includes attacking someone based on race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or serious disease
  • To promote or encourage suicide or self-harm
  • To send content that contains other people’s private information without their permission or authorization
  • To attempt to reveal the identity of another user
  • To impersonate any individual, group, or organisation
  • To test or reverse engineer the service to find limitations or vulnerabilities

Breaching this policy

If StraightUp determines you have breached this policy consequences may apply. Consequences include, but are not limited to:

  • Written warnings
  • Disclosure to the person or organisation that manages your account
  • Suspension or termination of your account
  • Suspension or termination of service to the person or organisation that manages your account


StraightUp aims to ensure that content sent anonymously remains anonymous, and does this by ensuring that the name of the person who sent content anonymously is not displayed to the person who receives the content. StraightUp will not maintain your anonymity and may disclose your identity:

  • If you breach this policy
  • If StraightUp believes there is a risk of harm or danger, to you or others
  • If StraightUp is required to disclose the information to law enforcement due to a legal order, such as a production order, or search warrant
  • If StraightUp is otherwise legally required or compelled to disclose the information

While StraightUp will take every effort not to reveal who sent anonymous content, it is possible that users who receive content will be able to figure out who sent it, for example, because of the way that it is written, or because it is about an issue that is specific to one individual. StraightUp is not responsible if you are identified as the sender of content in this way.

For more details of StraightUp’s privacy practices, see our privacy policy at